Wednesday, August 08, 2012

As Seen - What a Yawn & August CFK page 1

My friend asked me if I could let her granddaughter sleep at my place as there really wasn't any room left at hers, so my task for today was to tackle the mess and muddle in the spare room. Like all spare rooms it has become a dumping ground but I think I have managed to make it habitable enough for an airbed to be put down. Unfortunately that meant stripping the covers of the conservatory type chairs because they were covered in cat hairs (this room being the cats room) and also washing the cover to Muffins radiator bed, she was a bit miffed at me for dismantling her own special place but it had to be done.

This evening taking my camera outside to see what I could capture , I was followed by, not one, not two but all three cats.

I was going to use that one as my 'As Seen' for today but decided that this one was a better option

I've also done another page for my holiday album, the first of my August CFK


today I am grateful for getting a room sorted. Also for feeling much better this afternoon than I did this morning.


Jimjams said...

I don't think I've ever seen all three cats together - are they getting on well or are the kittens still ignored?

Smashing Disney page Mary - love the colours of that castle - great pics.

LCSmithSAVED said...

Loved seeing your kitties! lovely photos in your layout as well :~)

Sassy Breese said...

The imminent arrivial of company initiates a flurry of scrubbing in these parts too. The flip side is sometimes cleaning gets put off with the promise that it will be done "when company comes" I am always happy to make plans to receive guests because it motivates me so.

Susanne said...

Great magical page - love the pics.

glorygirl said...

Great job fitting so many pictures onto the page! I love how versatile your kit is!

MiliPea Designs said...

(Sigh) I love Disney! Wonderful layout! Pretty colors and love the little bling down the left side.

Tara O said... your kitties!!!

Great page!!

Yes, company headed over always gets me into scrubbing panic!!!

A place for me to put the pictures of layouts I have done that I am pleased with, to put in the poems I write and to add snippets of things that have caught my eye