So what have I done, well I finished another book goodness I seemed to have got back into the habit of reading again.
I did go down to ASDA, needed some food shopping done and also it is my turn to do the flowers in church again this week. On the way to the shop I asked the Lord what colour and immediately I got blue, well blue isn't a colour that is often found in cut flowers so I guessed it would be a pot plant. As I entered Asda this little arrangement really stood out and I knew it was perfect.
I do like to get living plants if I can as they can last longer and as the 1st Sunday in a month is usually Hymns and Teas in the afternoon the plants go to one of the homes where some of the folk come from. Though this time I'm hoping that this can be left in the church for Easter Sunday. We will see
I'm doing the Multimedia again tomorrow, as I so seldom do it I can never remember the password properly to get into the programme and I was getting very frustrated. I did text someone who would know but I thought she might be away, she did come back to me with the password. Hopefully all the songs are one there now and it will run smoothly tomorrow.
Today I am thankful for a lazy day
for having a book that I enjoyed
for finding the perfect flowers immediately.
Oh and I did do a digital layout nearly forgot that