John was the husband of one of my friends that died far too young about 7/8 years ago. I wanted to make a card for him, but I find making cards for men rather difficult. I came up with a simple but effective idea, making it out of kraft card and a bit of raffia

I have done a little collage of some of the photos I took yesterday.
1)Birthday boy
2)Acknowledging the crowd
3)It really wasn't that hard
4)CLUEDO Grey beard -In the Church - with a knife (victim the cake)

My As Seen for Saturday is the lovely cake made and iced by John's daughter

Here is what I have made and I've chosen to use it as my As Seen for today

Today I am grateful for the rain staying away till I got to church (I had forgotten to take an umbrella and didn't really want to be sitting around in wet clothes)
for a nice crafty time with some designing involved (I made the shapes on Robo as I didn't have the necessary punches)
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