I nearly forgot it was the 10th so time for 10 things that make me happy
these are just 10 of the layouts I've done of my Little Treasures.
None of them are valuable money wise but all are valuable for their meaning
I won't share the Cyclist cross stitch that John did because I've
shared it here
this first one I have had since a child it was given to me by one of my grandparents it's inlaid with ivory and mother of pearl.
this next one I haven't had all that long, it came into the sale at church and I just knew I had to have it, it is so sweet and lights up a dark corner
Blue Bird a glass ornament that is quite heavy, given to me by my parents
Bungly is so special, I came home one day not long after I had moved into my bungalow to find him sitting on my bed with a note attached "Hello my name is Bungly I've come to live with you
My daughter isn't a sentimental person so when I received this from here I cried.
This little mirror jewellery box bought for me by my son one Sunday when we were out mooching around the shop
Strange creatures, wooden carvings from a shop in Falmouth that John & I both fell for our souvenir of that holiday
this one makes me laugh, Gemma (my DDIL) give it too me she had found it at a car boot sale and knew I'd like it
this next one was given to me for a joke, my friend and I had cycled down to ASDA and when we came to go home my chain had completely jammed up and I just couldn't move it so we had to walk home pushing our bikes. next day this little ornament came into the sale so Ann gave it to me.
and my final page for today is this little bowl, a gift from Mombassa, brought over by Jeremiah (the person we support with the sale on a Thursday)
Why not pop over to
Shimelle's place and see what others have posted for this day