Sunday, December 09, 2012

Christmas the Season of Light


Christmas the season of Light, Jesus came into this world of our to bring the Light of God to our dark and troubled nations.

I love seeing the outside lights switched on throughout December, when it is the darkest time in the Northern Hemisphere. I love capturing this on camera and bringing it back home with me to see again, although never quite as magical but still preserving a moment of pleasure.


I had noticed these light switched on as I went up to the church this evening to set up the multimedia and knew I had to come and photograph them on my way home.


I went up into the loft and got all the decorations down. I was surrounded by boxes and opening them to the treasures inside is exciting. Taking each one out in turn, remembering where they came from, carefully finding the right place to put them.
Putting up John's tree with tears in my eyes. Oh how I wish he was here to share this moment with me, even though I know it was usually down to me to do them, there is something special in sharing the moments.

My As Seen just has to be John's tree when the fibre optic lights turn purple, my favourite colour.


Sian said...

John's tree still shines very brightly Mary :)

Susanne said...

Nice snapshots! Ah, yes, light, one of many reasons to love this season.

A place for me to put the pictures of layouts I have done that I am pleased with, to put in the poems I write and to add snippets of things that have caught my eye