I love my homemade puddings, taken from a recipe book that I have had for over 30 years

Lovely rich recipe it is too

all ready to cook

They have turned out really well again

As I was in cooking mode I thought I would try out the recipe that Karen shared and they turned out very yummy, just as she said crisp on the outside and chewy in the centre so that is another one I shall be doing for Christmas.

Neil came over and he enjoyed the cookies too so I gave him some to take home. Good job I made the full quantity, 30 in all.
Although I have stayed in all day (need to do so when steaming for 7 hours) I have had a really successful and enjoyable day.
Sounds idyllic Mary - glad the cookies were appreciated as I'm sure the puds will be too. I have fond memories of an Christmas when I made EVERYthing from puds to mincemeat to cranberry sauce to brandy butter!
These look beautiful! Do you make them in advance and freeze them? Or were these just a test run? Sorry to be uninformed, but we don't really do Christmas pudding here in the states.
"I know I know it's far too early to be thinking about Christmas, but I had a free day today and the energy to get on with the most important cooking of the season. Well it is to me. The Christmas Puddings."
It's not too early. Not even close. :) It wouldn't actually be any exaggeration to say that Christmas is never far from my mind, even if it happens to be the middle of summer and we're all having a barbecue. Many's the time I've come barrelling through my Mum's door, full of some new idea that we've got to try NOW, even if it does happen to be six months before Christmas.
And Mum's just as bad as I am. :) We always try to book the same time off in December and the whole time is completely dedicated to Christmas. The Christmas cakes and puddings get done in October but in December, it's sausage rolls, mince pies, cookies, cheese straws, mulled wine, roast chestnuts, chocolate date slice. And we always used to buy our Christmas chocolates and we still do buy a few but now we make our own too. This year, we're experimenting with Chocolate Orange.
Last year, I tried my hand at a gingerbread house and ended up with gingerbread bricks. This year, we're trying our hands at cookie mixes in jars as gifts.
It's definitely not too early to be thinking of Christmas. :)
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