I should have done some housework, instead I scrapped another page for my Florida holiday.
Even though I was in a magical Disney world while away and all the attraction around were spectacular I still wanted to take photos of plants and wild life. So here is the first page of some of the things I saw, I'm sure at some time or other I'll do another page to go with this one as I still have photos I want to use.
This was done for a challenge on UKScrappers to use a divided page effect.
I woke to a very watery sun,

but at least it was sunny and so I decided to go into town, then catch the no. 66 bus out to Stratton Park, retail park that is where Hobby craft is situated. Oops I spent money as well as time there and all this fell into my basket.

I get back home and then receive a text to say that my glasses are in Grrrrrrrrrrr why could it not have come half hour earlier? Never mind Friday will have to do.
The weekly challenge on UKscrappers is to do a page of someone special in your life, I chose to do it on my Dad and the pack of paper I bought today were just right for this page
I have a hair appointment, the hairdressers is only 5 mins away from home but it was so cold out I couldn't feel my finger by the time I got there.
Please with the colour this time
As usual I'm up at the church for the sale, this week it seemed that I was on the go all morning and boy did my body know it by the time we finished.
I came home to find the new home hub on the doorstep so I am now able to go wireless, this is great means I can bring my computer into the lounge with very little trouble, surf and watch tv at the same time. Brilliant.
I was going to do a food shop but I really was too tired so had a snooze in my chair during the afternoon.
Refreshed from that I did a layout in the evening from a photo of John that I found the other day. Do wish that I had recorded where and when at the time, but, before digital most of my photos seemed to be random with no details at all. but I wanted to use this one as I have so few of John that haven't already be scrapped at least once more often 2 or 3 times.
I like being wireless, nice to sit up in bed this morning with a cuppa and my computer on. I have a little bed table which is ideal for it. What a lovely way to start the day, especially as when I looked out of the window the sky was a very pretty pink. So I grabbed my camera and went into the garden
Into town to collect my glasses. Thought I would pop down to see Neil but he wasn't in the office, on the way back up the road he called me, he was in one of the bars having a coffee with Gill (Gemma's Mum) so I joined them. Then on to the opticians, but my glasses are still not right and I was so disappointed. They seemed to be even worse than at first. Still they are going to have another go at getting something that I can work with.
Eventually got the food shopping done
I have one more page to share, this one was done for the texture challenge
I used Modelling paste spread over a stencil
another long post, think I will have to try and go back to posting every day.
Today I am grateful for Wifi
for a beautiful sky
for fun and challenges in my scrapping