Saturday, April 30, 2011
Nature's Calendar - Grass
I have been trying to identify this grass, I think it is either Meadow foxtail or Timothy grass does anyone know?
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Nature's Calendar - Sun Rise
this photo was actually taken on Easter Sunday Morning at 6.17. I was so pleased I saw it just as it was rising above the tree tops
Counterfeit Kit challenge - Blog hop
Welcome to the Counterfeit Kit blog hop. We have all taken our inspiration for the Design team's own blogs.
Here is my entry for the blog hop
I took my inspiration for one of Lisa's layouts, Park Day
Your next port of call is Lisa A's blog
Here is my entry for the blog hop
I took my inspiration for one of Lisa's layouts, Park Day
Your next port of call is Lisa A's blog
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Nature's Calendar - Dead leaf
I just love the markings on this leaf. I was actually looking for butterflies, and saw this thinking it was one. At least it didn't move away as soon as I got near.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Dancing barefoot on the grass
I said yesterday that I danced barefoot out in the lane early in the morning. I never took a photo though, so today I grabbed my tripod and made up for the omission.
I do love it out here first thing on a bank holiday, with no one around except me, my cat and the birds
I do love it out here first thing on a bank holiday, with no one around except me, my cat and the birds
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Sunday Morning
Christ has risen, he is risen indeed
I woke at 6.00 this morning, it appeared to be light outside, I had missed the sunrise. Pulling back the curtain, Oh no it is a dull day, what a shame and I'm going to a bbq this afternoon. I go outside, strange yes the sun isn't shining but the sky is clear, so clear I can see the vapour trails of the planes. Wait what is that red behind the trees at the bottom of the lane? I haven't missed the sunrise it is just coming up, how wonderful to see it rise on Easter Sunday Morning, Thank you Lord.
It's going to be a lovely day again today.
Have you ever danced barefoot on the grass, I thought it was about time I did, so here I am in my kaftan dancing before the Lord in the lane, not a soul around this early.
I can cross another thing off my list of 'must do before I die' but perhaps I should have waited till the sun had dried up all the dew.
I woke at 6.00 this morning, it appeared to be light outside, I had missed the sunrise. Pulling back the curtain, Oh no it is a dull day, what a shame and I'm going to a bbq this afternoon. I go outside, strange yes the sun isn't shining but the sky is clear, so clear I can see the vapour trails of the planes. Wait what is that red behind the trees at the bottom of the lane? I haven't missed the sunrise it is just coming up, how wonderful to see it rise on Easter Sunday Morning, Thank you Lord.
It's going to be a lovely day again today.
Have you ever danced barefoot on the grass, I thought it was about time I did, so here I am in my kaftan dancing before the Lord in the lane, not a soul around this early.
I can cross another thing off my list of 'must do before I die' but perhaps I should have waited till the sun had dried up all the dew.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Fountain fun
Hot day
fountain spray
children play
Ball rise
before our eyes
falls and dies
This is fun
in the sun
when shopping's done
Friday, April 22, 2011
Nature's Calendar - Hawthorn Blossom
I had always thought that the blossom of the Hawthorn was just white, but today I noticed that the stamens are pink especially when the flower is just opening and they are close together
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Simple Pleasure
A young lady walked into the bank entrance just in front of me. She walked with a limp but her whole being beamed. She got on the escalator and rode to the top turned the corner and came down the return one. Yes she was mentally deficient by our standards, but because of that she was able to ignore the constraints a 'normal' person would have and derived much pleasure in this simple act.
What is more she gave me and others a joy in her action, I know I wish I could throw off convention and ride the wave of delight in the same way.
This boring entrance to my bank will never be dull again because of a young lady dressed in pink who rode the escalator today
What is more she gave me and others a joy in her action, I know I wish I could throw off convention and ride the wave of delight in the same way.
This boring entrance to my bank will never be dull again because of a young lady dressed in pink who rode the escalator today
Nature's Calendar - Lamium (Yellow dead nettle)
This plant is a cultivated variety of the common white dead nettle. It grows rampant in my garden the leaves are variegated in colour.
I had never before seen all the little hairs on the petals it's amazes me what can be discovered when I get in close with the super macro button on my camera
I had never before seen all the little hairs on the petals it's amazes me what can be discovered when I get in close with the super macro button on my camera
Monday, April 18, 2011
A little question
I love scrapbooking I love making pages to preserve memories. When I post one of my pages here I don't often give details of what I have used. I'm wondering if fellow scrapbookers would like to know such things as the name of the papers I use the fonts and embellishments etc?
for example in this layout I used just one piece of patterned paper by My Minds Eye called Lost and Found Portobello Road Party Celebrate Paper and I stamped the 'birthday' onto cream card using Banana Frog Doobie stamps. The doily behind the photo was created by using a corner punch by Martha Stewart.

Is that helpful or is it just too much to read through?
for example in this layout I used just one piece of patterned paper by My Minds Eye called Lost and Found Portobello Road Party Celebrate Paper and I stamped the 'birthday' onto cream card using Banana Frog Doobie stamps. The doily behind the photo was created by using a corner punch by Martha Stewart.

Is that helpful or is it just too much to read through?
Sunday, April 17, 2011
My blog friend Mel of I Speak Melsh fame has compiled a Melsh/English dictionary. and one of the words in her famous book is LOSABLES a little bag of things that once you have opened the bag can be easily lost.
Well my losables are quite a bit bigger than 'little things'- mine consist of:-
the last thing I put down. ie scissors, pens, pokey stick, double sided tape, glue dots - well you get the idea.
The latest thing to get lost was the remote control. My grandson had taken it as usual and I searched and searched. The TV was playing away to itself and I couldn't turn it off. I did eventually find it and it wasn't really hiding, though of course I thought it was; I had looked in amongst the toys I had looked amongst the books I had searched the floor feeling under all the seats I had put my hand down the back and sides of the settee to no avail. Where was it, Neil had obviously taken it off Rufus and put it on the sideboard out of his reach.
Not a new photo but does show how much Rufus loves anything with buttons.
Well my losables are quite a bit bigger than 'little things'- mine consist of:-
the last thing I put down. ie scissors, pens, pokey stick, double sided tape, glue dots - well you get the idea.
The latest thing to get lost was the remote control. My grandson had taken it as usual and I searched and searched. The TV was playing away to itself and I couldn't turn it off. I did eventually find it and it wasn't really hiding, though of course I thought it was; I had looked in amongst the toys I had looked amongst the books I had searched the floor feeling under all the seats I had put my hand down the back and sides of the settee to no avail. Where was it, Neil had obviously taken it off Rufus and put it on the sideboard out of his reach.
Not a new photo but does show how much Rufus loves anything with buttons.
Alphanumeric blog hop
I'm looking for a variety of very versatile and vivacious verbs and adverbs. Nothing vague or veiled they mustn't be vacuous or in a vacuum, but of value, a veritable vanguard of voluptuous vowels vying with each other to vocalise the vortex of sound.
I will endeavour not to commit verbicide and will vouchsafe that they will not be vulgar and I'll volunteer to voice them with all vocal dexterity and the volume of sound will vastly improve in vividness as my vessel of verbs increases. My vision and vocation is to vigorously vindicate the letter V and visually venerate it
As I venture into this avenue of the vernacular of the letter V I am not averse to using the dictionary to increase my vocabulary and view a variegated version of any vividly interpreted word.
Any visitor to my blog today will have their mind vibrating with victorious Vs, a VIP of letters that I have voted most highly.
So I would value your verdict on my venture into the land of 'V'
Visualise now a valiant and valued list of friends all with their own various vehicle of letter or number, ready to vault into action
I Speak Melsh:
BE Glorious:
Captured On Film:
Chatty Crafty Arty Pig:
Creating Room:
Curiouser and Curiouser:
Daily Life - Bits and Pieces:
Deb's World:
Den's Crafty Diary:
From High In The Sky:
Gallo Organico:
Ginger's Life Of Spice:
Handmade By Kirsty:
Havoc and Mayhem:
Heather's Scraps:
Helena's Creative Maven:
Holaday's Happy Hearts:
Just Jimjams:
K's Crafty Corner:
Life...As I See It
{Life Behind The Purple Door}:
Lisa E Design Blog:
Living Life One Blessing At A Time:
Mary's Musings:
Michelle Loves...:
Obstinate Pursuit:
Over At Our Place:
Paper Turtle:
Peonies and Pennies:
Random Reflections:
Rosalind Revival:
Scrap Dreams:
Scrapworthy Lives:
Staring At The Sea:
Surefiredaisy Says:
This Kalil Life:
This Little Life Of Mine:
Xnomads' Blog:
Note: If any of the posts aren't up yet, please bear with us - the different time zones and the peculiarity of blogging platforms when it comes to autoposts may mean that one or two posts don't appear on time! If that's the case, come back to this list to pick up from the next blog, but do please pop back and try the other link later, when the post should be there for your enjoyment.
If you have come to me in order then your next port of call is Michelle's blog
Nature's Calendar - Peacock
Not exactly wild life but this beautiful peacock was displaying so spectacularly that I just had to have a photo and to use it here
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Alphanumeric blog hop
What is all this about you may well ask, well you may if you are not taking part. If you are taking part you know what it's about and this is just a reminder to make sure you post your blog in time.
Our lovely blog friend Mel has organised a super blog hop for Sunday (tomorrow) at 2.00 pm BST.
Each of us have a letter or number to play with and produce something to showcase it. So don't forget to log on and hop in to see what we have all done. A nice way to while away an hour or two, much more interesting that having a Sunday afternoon snooze that's for sure.
Our lovely blog friend Mel has organised a super blog hop for Sunday (tomorrow) at 2.00 pm BST.
Each of us have a letter or number to play with and produce something to showcase it. So don't forget to log on and hop in to see what we have all done. A nice way to while away an hour or two, much more interesting that having a Sunday afternoon snooze that's for sure.
A tribute to Sammy
Nature's Calendar - White Bluebell
Just down from my bungalow in the lane just before the main road is a little clump of blue bells. Each year there seems to be more and more white ones in amongst the blue
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Oh dear Oh dear I've done it again
my nose sticks out too far
it took the brunt of my fall you see
and hit the ground so hard
it bled and bled and wouldn't stop
I thought it might be broken
but no just swollen to twice its size
Will I have black eyes in the morning?
Counterfeit Kit challenge - layout No. 4
Well I have never had such a run of doing in real life paper and glue layouts and I have since starting to do the Counterfeit Kit challenge my first one was in February I love the tutorials and ideas that they put up to make your own things.
This layout is also covering the weekly challenge on UKScrappers which is

I used one of my precious My mind's eye lost and found patterned papers which is so nice I didn't want to cover too much of it. I cut a circle out of some card stock and using my Martha Stewart corner punch made it into a doily. I then added three flowers which I made using Nellie Stellen flower punch/embosser, silk trim and buttons. the Birthday part of the title I stamped on a piece of spare card, heat embossed it and cut round each letter inking the edges and placing on 3D foam pads.
one of my Journal cards is the only other thing added the rest is on the paper.
This layout is also covering the weekly challenge on UKScrappers which is
Celebration/special event
Pink or Blue
Bells, houses, stamping or flowers

I used one of my precious My mind's eye lost and found patterned papers which is so nice I didn't want to cover too much of it. I cut a circle out of some card stock and using my Martha Stewart corner punch made it into a doily. I then added three flowers which I made using Nellie Stellen flower punch/embosser, silk trim and buttons. the Birthday part of the title I stamped on a piece of spare card, heat embossed it and cut round each letter inking the edges and placing on 3D foam pads.
one of my Journal cards is the only other thing added the rest is on the paper.
Nature's Calendar - River Frome
The river Frome from Snuff Mill. I love the way the light has caught the trees and is reflected in the water, making a diamond shape
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
I have had to have my 15 year old cat put to sleep today I just want to post this very last photo of her taken this morning when she was curled up on my bed.
She hadn't eaten for two days and the vet said that her kidneys had packed up. The kindest thing was to let her go. I held her while the vet sedated her so that she was not distressed when the lethal dosage was given to her. Good Bye Sammy thank you for all the happy years you have given me.
She hadn't eaten for two days and the vet said that her kidneys had packed up. The kindest thing was to let her go. I held her while the vet sedated her so that she was not distressed when the lethal dosage was given to her. Good Bye Sammy thank you for all the happy years you have given me.
Counterfeit Kit challenge - layout No.3
My third page from my counterfeit kit 
I enjoyed making my border layering ribbon punched pp lace and the final bit of my canvas (well the 12x12 bit that I allowed myself for my kit). I must admit to buying more buttons, the two outer ones. I am a button fiend lol
I created the heart myself on the computer, printed it on acetate and stickled it on the back. I really enjoyed doing that and will certainly use that method again.
I also created and printed out the date block

I enjoyed making my border layering ribbon punched pp lace and the final bit of my canvas (well the 12x12 bit that I allowed myself for my kit). I must admit to buying more buttons, the two outer ones. I am a button fiend lol
I created the heart myself on the computer, printed it on acetate and stickled it on the back. I really enjoyed doing that and will certainly use that method again.
I also created and printed out the date block
Nature's Calendar - Grey Wagtail
This little wagtail was bobbing his beak in and out of the water.I think it was insects rather than fish that he was catching though.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Nature's Calendar -Grap Hyacinths among the stinging nettles
I didn't think that there were any more places for me to discover walking down the back lane to Asda. But I was wrong. I found what appears to be a garden, obviously attended by the people living nearby, in one corner there appears to be a wild part overgrown with nettles, but in amongst them are beautiful deep blue grape hyacinths. the nettles will be a great attraction for butterflies later so I must remember to look later in the year.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Counterfeit Kit challenge - layout No. 2 for April
Just a quick post to show my second counterfeit Kit layout for April.

I'm getting a little behind in this so better get scrapping. Not today though as I am out for lunch immediately after church. A group of Ladies and we are all widows so lunch together once a month on a Sunday. Perfect timing for me this year as today is the anniversary of my dear Husband's death, though to tell the truth it doesn't seem any different than any other day as I do miss him most of the time, but have made a life for myself now and move on.

I'm getting a little behind in this so better get scrapping. Not today though as I am out for lunch immediately after church. A group of Ladies and we are all widows so lunch together once a month on a Sunday. Perfect timing for me this year as today is the anniversary of my dear Husband's death, though to tell the truth it doesn't seem any different than any other day as I do miss him most of the time, but have made a life for myself now and move on.
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Nature's Calendar - Tiny Yellow trumpets
I was surprised to see this flowering bush, I had never noticed it before but the flowers look like miniature daffodils but are less than half inch across
Friday, April 08, 2011
Rulers Rulers
The other day I posted a photo from a magazine of a set of drawers with rulers for fronts. It caught my imagination and as I have several wooden ones that I don't use I thought I would have a go.
here is the result
The third drawer down has a plastic slide rule attached and it was either my husband's or my father's but I have never known how to use it.
The set of drawers I used I have had for a long while housing things that I never use, it is now being used for my ribbons (some of them) and buttons (again some of them) I do have another set of drawers that I'll decorate as soon as I find more old rulers and tape measures.
here is the result
The third drawer down has a plastic slide rule attached and it was either my husband's or my father's but I have never known how to use it.
The set of drawers I used I have had for a long while housing things that I never use, it is now being used for my ribbons (some of them) and buttons (again some of them) I do have another set of drawers that I'll decorate as soon as I find more old rulers and tape measures.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Counterfeit Kit Challenge 1st Layout for April
Over at Counterfeit Kit challenge blog we have been taking inspiration from a kit from Front Porch Kits the kit was from March called 'a little bird told me'
here is the first layout I have done with my kit
here is the first layout I have done with my kit

A smile for the day.
The Price Of Gas In France
A thief in Paris planned to steal some paintings from the Louvre.
After careful planning, he got past security,
stole the paintings, and made it safely to his van.
However, he was captured only two blocks away,
when his van ran out of gas.
When asked how he could mastermind such a crime
yet make such an obvious error, he replied,
"Monsieur, that is the reason I stole the paintings."
I had no Monet
to buy Degas
to make the Van Gogh.
See I have De Gaulle
I figured I had nothing Toulouse
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Painting by Daniel
Counterfeit Kit challenge for April
I've had so much fun putting this kit together it is really more like 4 kits in one so will hopefully give me great scope with my layouts this month.
Counterfeit Kit challenge revealed yesterday the kit we were to emulate,
by the way we are not depriving the company of selling their kit it sold out the day it was launched 18th March.
here is my counterfeit.
and as I'm now the proud owner of lovely flower and leaf punches and embossers I'll be making some of my flowers myself (see beside the tin)I've also made some journalling labels to go with it.
I haven't added any alphas here this month as I hope to cut most of them on Robo
Counterfeit Kit challenge revealed yesterday the kit we were to emulate,
by the way we are not depriving the company of selling their kit it sold out the day it was launched 18th March.
here is my counterfeit.
and as I'm now the proud owner of lovely flower and leaf punches and embossers I'll be making some of my flowers myself (see beside the tin)I've also made some journalling labels to go with it.
I haven't added any alphas here this month as I hope to cut most of them on Robo
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A place for me to put the pictures of layouts I have done that I am pleased with, to put in the poems I write and to add snippets of things that have caught my eye