Yesterday morning Eric and Janet from across the road came over and helped me clear the front garden, it was full of weeds and the buddleia had taken over the window and made it so dark in my lounge. Granted I could cut it back and had started to do so but how do I get rid of the debris? It would take so long to cut it all up into small enough bits to bag it for the garden waste collection and besides the green bags are just not strong enough to avoid being split.
I had just started snipping it when Tony my immediate neighbour came out with his chomper I didn't even know he had one. What a difference it made and didn't I have fun putting all the branches through it.
Well being a avid scrapbooker I took photos of course and I had to produce a layout the same day not one but two in fact.
both of these pages doubled up as entries for the weekly challenge on UK Scrappers. The Indecisive team set it this week and as their name suggest they can never make up their mind so always go for more than one idea.
The criteria for this one is:-
Symmetrical Design
Make your own embellishments
Must include any style of sewing, fake, machine or hand
Use a font you have not used before for the title

Criteria for this one is:-
Monochrome theme
style: Montage (minimum 3 photos)
Technique: Must include a stamped image on the
Journalling: Either around the edge of the LO or around the montage

there is a third challenge and I may still do that one as well but it is not so easily done and I have to think about it.
Well it is nearly 8 O'clock and I am still sitting her not wash and dressed and not even had any breakfast think I had better get off the computer and go do something useful instead