I have been scrapping nearly every day to be able to keep up with the challenge, so I have several pages to share today
6th was to be grateful and when I saw the prompt I immediately thought of a chorus we sing in church quite often 'Give Thanks with a grateful Heart.
Saturday saw me taking a trip out to Hobby Craft, all I really needed was some glossy accent (3D glue) but they didn't have any in stock but somehow rather a lot of bits and pieces fell into my basket, including 6 sheets of double sided patterned paper, as if I needed any more.
Coming back on the bus I decided to get off 2 stops early so I could see what Aldi was like, never having been in there. Prices quite good but I didn't really need anything except cat food. Walking back into town I knew that I would be passing the Range and just maybe would get the glossy accent in there. To get to the paper craft aisles I wander through the picture section and again admire the new modern art form which I really like but it wouldn't fit in with anything else I have in the home.

Isn't that a superb quotation must try and remember that one.
On the Sunday the 8th I went over to my Son's new place to help with the unpacking/keeping Rufus amused etc. well as Rufus was amusing himself quite well I lent a hand, mind you the sight of a room full of packing cases is rather daunting, especially as we needed to clear it so that we could sit down to eat. Neil asked me to unpack the books and put them on the book case, but most of the shelves were not in place as the pins that hold them were still at the old address. Still never mind he said just pile them up so that is what I did and in no time at all I was able to get to the table to put that together and we gathered around it for a lovely meal cooked by a very pregnant Daughter-in-Law.
What lesson could I learn on Monday, I have known for a long while that I am a hoarder, but didn't like to admit that it had got completely out of hand, I could do with a society like the AA only for Hoarders not Alcoholics or better still a friend who would be prepared to help me get rid of my mountain of accumulated stash. All this came about because as I turned around I nearly tripped over tins of buttons. Now I have lots of buttons sorted into colours and all in Really Useful boxes
and as well as there there are smaller boxes with other sorted buttons in. The four big biscuit tins are jammed full of unsorted one which I never look through or very seldom do but I can't seem to bring myself to throw them away and as the boxes are quite heavy I would find them difficult to transport anywhere so that I could give them away.

btw the buttons on here all came out of one of the unsorted tins
Tuesday's prompt was about lists, do I make lists, not if I can help it except shopping lists, but I just had to do this as a list as it seemed rather a good way to tell the shenanigans of trying to transport 2 cats to the vets for their annual check up and booster.

just in case you can't read the list (font is a bit indistinct on here)
How to put 2 cats into one basket1. Shut all means of escape
2. Open basket wide
3. Grab first cat
4. Pop in basket and shut it quickly
5. Search for second cat
6. Grab her
7. Open basket to put second cat in
8. First cat escapes
9. Shut second cat in basket
10. Repeat steps 5 & 6 with first cat
11. Open basket and shove first cat in on top of second cat before second cat can escape.
12. Take a breath
13. Transport basket with cats inside to the vets for their annual booster
I think my learning must be in future make two appointments
Wednesday I have set aside to scrap, I love having a day just to do some crafty stuff but often feel guilty if I do that during the week so my lesson has to be to stop feeling guilty and just enjoy. I found this quotation on line
If you are not doing what you love, you are wasting your time. Billy Joel so using it but reversing it round to the positive I came up with Doing what you love is never a waste of time
Today's lesson I will try and do a page of tomorrow but as yet I really don't know what I've learnt that can be translated into a layout. we will see.
Today I am grateful for a good morning at the sale,
the packing up going very smoothly (after last week's difficulties)
for scrapping instead of snoozing this afternoon (much more enjoyable)