Muffin's paw is now completely healed but that photo just had to be scrapped

During the week I didn't feel up to taking my computer from the lounge to the craft room so that I could print off some photos so I went down the digital line, not done a digi page for considerable time so it was rather nice to get a page done that I like (even if I haven't printed it off)

I used some of the chalkboard stickers that I have been creating lately and I rather like that black & white style with the only colour coming from Rudi's fur.
the weekly challenge this week was to use our own handwriting in a different way so I chose to do the title for my page in a style similar to one I have on the computer Kingthings Inky Dinky

Well friends it's nearly the end of August, start of the new academic year next week and of course Shimelle's Learn Something New Every Day.
I've covered the album I'm going to use and I've done a aims page, mainly because I can't wait to start (insert grinning smiley)
My album is an American Craft Chipboard one and I have gone with a black & white theme with just a splash of colour on each page
the cover

the aim

the photo I took today blurring out the background by photo manipulation I like the effect better than the distraction of the garden behind me.
Today I am grateful for
A God who loves me and would never direct me where His grace could not protect me.
for learning to accept being taken out of my comfort zone
for the joy of walking with Him daily