Oh dear my blog has been sadly neglected, trouble is I haven't done anything worth recording except a few scrapbook pages. I'll look at the photos I have taken since Oxford and see what is worth noting.
The first thing I noticed was my look up look down that I took in Oxford
These were both taken from Magdalen Bridge, I love the way the church tower is pointing which is echoed in the boats. (I didn't manipulate the photo that is how I took it)
On Saturday 6th
I decided on the spur of the moment to take the bus to Cheltenham. It was a lovely sunny if cold day I didn't think I would be taking many photos as I have a lot taken the last time I went. But the indoor garden in the Beechwood Centre was so pretty with the sun shining down on it I ended up taking quite a few.
Monday 8th
The challenge on UKScrappers for this week is to scrap the ordinary the everyday events and so on my walk down to Asda I propped my camera up on a bin and took my self portrait with the lane in the background (a chap walking down the same lane offered to take it but by this time I had it all set up)
and here is my page for the challenge

I turned the photo black & white as that was part of the challenge. As my coat is black and the scarf I'm wearing is white it was just the ticket.
Later in the week I did another page for the same challenge this time with colour photos and black & white papers and embellishments
I was on a bit of a scrapping roll that week and did this page to record Ben's reactions when he first got his balance bike
Wednesday 10th
Hairdressers today, I'm trying to get the purple out of my hair, beginning to wish I had never had it put in for Christmas this time they used an opposite colour to counteract it a bit and although I still have purple in there it is beginning to fade.
Friday 12th
I found something that made me smile
The frozen dessert aisle in Asda
Saturday 13th
Abbey Meads crop this morning. I did manage to do the Breakfast layout but I spent most of my time chatting and laughing. It's so nice to get out and meet up with fellow scrappers.
Sunday 14th
I had two surprise visitors on Sunday, I hadn't been long in from church when I heard a little voice calling, Neil had arrived with Rufus and all Rufus wanted to do was find Nana's kittens. Eventually he gave up trying to catch them and settled for some toys and a jigsaw or two
but he did get his wish for one of my cats to accept him, not the girls but Rudi let Rufus stroke him and seemed to really enjoy it.
Monday 15th
Yesterday I started on a double layout of some of the photos I took in Oxford, finishing it off today
Tuesday 16th
Asda today and the sun was shining and on the way down the back lane I saw a Brimstone butterfly, couldn't get a photo unfortunately as it was flitting all the time and never landed anywhere but it was so good to see it, the first one of the season. I also found that the toads were back and lots of spawn in the muddy hole. Hope this year it doesn't dry up too soon and that the eggs hatch and have time to grow to maturity.
Today's UKS challenge, to scrap someone or something you love, to use a colour palette of Pale Green & Burgundy. I did this one of Rudi
and that brings me up-to-date.
Today I am grateful that spring does appear to have arrived at long last.