Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Year in a nutshell

I wanted to do the final challenge on Scrap like you mean it, which is to scrap 2009. wow big order but I managed to bring it down to size, and after all what is one year in a lifetime and what's more, what is 12 months 52/3 weeks 365 days in the history of the universe? nothing a minuscule dot, an atom of time.
So here it is my year 2009 in just 12 photos but in these photos I can remember my year, what it brought and what it held the good times and the not so good times.

My Year 2009 DLO

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

That's a really lovely layout. I remember you reporting some of these events on your blog.
It's a great way to remember 2009 and the important things, before they all drift away into the recesses of time (wherever those may be!).
I hope you are fully recovered from the fall now, btw?

A place for me to put the pictures of layouts I have done that I am pleased with, to put in the poems I write and to add snippets of things that have caught my eye