I have decided to make a catalogue of mine for future generation and being a scrapbooker what better way than to give each item a layout page of its own.
I have made the Album too as I wanted it to be small just 6x6 and it needed to be something unique

I have so far done three pages, the first being one of the cross stitch pictures that John did, this is my favourite one of his done on fine evenweave linen with single threads so it is very delicate in appearance.

This next one was done for the SLYMI challenge this week which was to scrap using Something Old, new, borrowed and blue
the something old is this box which was given to me by one of my grandparents when I was a young girl
I have journalled about it under the photo mat which I hinged onto the layout with these little hinges

The something new is the patterned paper which I only bought yesterday. Something blue, the mat for the photos and also the fibre has blue in it. Something borrowed is the amber charm from a necklace.
I didn't realise that doing a small layout like this would prove so difficult, but most embellishments are made for standard size layouts 12"x12" and even 8"x8" are not too bad but getting enough information and decoration onto a 6"x6" is much more tricky. In the past when I have done this size I have done it digitally and of course you can make the embellishments to fit that size. Still I love a challenge so am enjoying sourcing this one out