The fog did clear and we had sunshine for a while, just enough time to walk to ASDA down the back lane.
With my food shopping done and as I had the perfect photo for today already in the bag, or should that be camera, I decided to do my April pages today. I had a lot to record so how best to display them. I didn't want to do two double pages as I did last month, no real difference to distinguish one event from another. So I did them in batches of 3 putting like with like with a title tile done like a chalkboard for each.

Today I am grateful for a relaxing day scrapping
for weekly shop done and dusted
and for a sneaky bar of chocolate (oh how I love chocolate)
a friend of mine pinned this and is going to see if she can make it isn't it pretty
having just been into Karen's blog and found another wonderful quotation there so sharing it here Thank you Karen