This layout was done for the weekly challenge on UKScrappers. The challenge was to use Autumn colours, 6 of something, a Sting or Gwen Stefani song title and some sparkly bits
I had these three photos which were not particularly good quality but I wanted to scrap them because of the faces Daniel was pulling. So here is a digital page that allows the photos' defaults not to show too much
I started this digital layout just to get an idea of size and design so that I could do it with paper and things but I liked the computer produce one so much I decided to keep it as a digital one.
Today we have had an all day crop (get together to scrap) with two classes set by Total Papercraft a great day was had by all. Karen brought lots of her stock from the shop and I spent too much money as usual. Here are the two layouts from the class
It would have been John's birthday today, so to celebrate and remember I did this layout using some of the photos I have of him, the smaller one on the front and the two shown on the inside were transparencies which I had put onto a CD the quality after all these years is not good but I have been able to enhance the colour of two of them and turned the other to a black & white photo.
below is a close up of the pull out pages from the above layout
I decided that it was time for a change of colour for my hair, I have been bright ginger for some time and because it was growing out and looking dull and uninteresting this was the right time to do it. I have gone RED
I just love these photos of Daniel having so much fun in the grounds of Skipton Castle. He was running around picking up twigs and taking them back to show Helen, then poking them through the slats of the bench we were sitting on.
This layout was done for the SLYMI challenge on UK Scrappers which this week was to scrap in metal. I used thin copper sheet to punch out the border but then used the cut off strips and the little tiny bits of waste to make the seed heads
The monthly challenge on UK Scrappers for September is Music Music Music, well as most of you who know me will realise I am not musical, not into music, can't sing in tune, can't hold a note, but............... When Helen phoned me with these words "How many grandchildren do you want, Mum?" that was music to my ears indeed. I have journalled all over this LO the excitement I feel in the anticipation of three grandchildren in as many years. and at 65 that was something I never believed I would have, and now at 69 wow
I took so many photos of my new grandson on Saturday I thought I would use several on one double layout This also fits the weekly challenge on UKScrappers which was to scrap something new, use primary colours (well I used one Blue), hand journalling (just a little under two of the photos) and flowers as the challenge was set by Flower Power Blossoms. I googled for the picture of Little Roo as this is likely to be Rufus' nickname while he is small anyway
Today I have become a grandmother for the second time. My Son and his partner have just had a baby boy 2.29pm weighing in at 7lbs. He is a fortnight early and of course Neil isn't ready yet new house still needing decorating and they haven't moved yet. Still baby knows best when to arrive.
At the same time I have just done a layout of the scan of my third grandchild Helen's second baby at just 12 wks gestation. Did this for the SLYMI challenge which this week was to scrap something magical. I prefer to think of this as a miracle of new life and marvel of technology that enables us to see inside a mother-to-be's womb.
I came back home yesterday (Wednesday) so I can now do some paper and glue scrapping. This one is for the weekly challenge which was to scrap about the weather, use red and white, 9 of something (which I forgot to do), Scalloped edges and hidden element.
Two more digital layouts that I did in Skipton the first one I really love, this photo was taken in the carriage of the little steam train. I use a flash to fill out the details and it seemed to work very well
This next one was for the SLYMI challenge where we had to scrap a bank holiday, well A day with Thomas on bank holiday Saturday seemed the perfect opportunity and I used Pencil Line sketch 79 to do it.
A place for me to put the pictures of layouts I have done that I am pleased with, to put in the poems I write and to add snippets of things that have caught my eye