The 365 team had a weekend away in the new forest, and scrapped and laughed and chatted till the wee small hours. I managed to do 6 layouts but not quite finished two of them so here are the other 4
I went for a walk after church this morning, down to Plummies Lake just for a stroll and managed to capture a damselfly on camera I tried several times but only a very few came out as I wanted. This one is a blue tailed damselfly.I also managed to capture two damselflies doing what damselflies are designed to do.I find it amazing how the male in the first photos is sticking straight out at almost right angles to the reed and in the second photo what a contortionist the female is to bend her body right around in that manner, and that they can fly around like this.
Oh dear I have just looked up the word Mojo on Wikipedia and the definition there is certainly not what we as Scrappers mean by it. When we talk of Mojo we mean inspiration, ideas for pages, creativity, so for anyone who reads my blog who doesn't do scrapbooking please understand our meaning for this word and not the general one. Thank you
I have had a bad week for scrapping I lost my mojo and I had a crop to go to yesterday so had to find something, not entirely happy with what I produced but I think it may have kicked my mojo back into place as I now have ideas buzzing again, but as I have a retreat this weekend feel reluctant to scrap too many of my ideas before then.
Here is the layout I did at the crop it was for the SLYMI challenge for this week which was to use felt. I made the tree using felt and a patterned paper, cutting out the patterns to form the foliage thanks to Tracie (my team mate) for the idea. The birds by the title are also hand cut from felt, with a little seed bead for the eye. Photo was taken on Friday outside the library while I was waiting for my son to come and pick something up for me. If he hadn't been late (as usual) I would have missed this so here was my silver lining for that day. I just love how his little dog waited paitently for his master to finish with these birds, and the birds must have been used to him as they didn't take any offence at him being there. I think I will do another page with this and other photos I took for my Swindon album, and this time do some journalling on it.
I am sitting in the Central Library in town at one of their many computers. I find it rather nice to come in here whenever I am in town with time to spare. I know I don't need to I have a computer and internet access at home, but somehow this feels exciting and different. I don't usually stay long just time to enjoy either coming into my blog or speaking to friends on UK Scrappers. Today as I walked through I saw a little lass of about 2 posting a book into the returns slot and waiting for the receipt. I thought it a little strange that her parents were not with her, but as I came to go upstairs I saw her with them and the mother was telling the father that she had been picking up books and dvds off the shelf and posting them through. I really had to smile, the automated world that we live in is so impersonal that children can get up to even more mischief than we used when their age. My only regret is that I can't take a photo of her doing so which would have been so sweet
This week's SLYMI challenge is to do a layout using a self portrait. Well as I have done so many of those in the past, especially last year when I was doing the 365 challenge, I wanted to do something a little different. So here it is, yes it is a self portrait but just a little bit of me, my ear to be precise, but the layout is really about my earrings. John had these specially made for me when I had the extra hole put in my ear. I was convinced I had seen some earrings that used two holes but when I came to get them they just didn't seem to exist. So, as John realised I was disappointed he went into the jewellers and asked them if it was possible to make any and this is what they did. I was so thrilled to receive them.
A place for me to put the pictures of layouts I have done that I am pleased with, to put in the poems I write and to add snippets of things that have caught my eye