Monday, January 31, 2011


It's been a time since I last shared a freebie kit so thought I would add this one here do hope you like it. This one is called Golden Days
although it doesn't show up very well there is an overlay and a stitched frame here, hope you enjoy it.

I have used a few of the bits from the kit for this layout, done for the weekly challenge on UKScrappers. We have a sketch to follow, but for the rest there are so many choices this week. I went for the Friends theme and for the elements Doodling, 2 colours, ribbon and 10 of something.
You're My Friend Purr Purr


Good morning bloggers, hope you have had a good weekend and a good January. My hasn't this month flown, it seems like yesterday that we were celebrating the new year.
I haven't done a great deal this month, either scrapping wise or anything else, so nothing much to share here, except this one digital layout using a sketch from Shimelle, I especially like this sketch because it uses two photos, something I find difficult to do, one photo, three photos or a collection, easy but two are so much harder to balance somehow. still enough waffling here it is

I have plans in my head one to do as a paper and bits one using a sketch from the Pagemap collection. Now this lady, Becky Fleck, is so good at sketches that it is hard to imagine how she comes up with fresh ideas all the time but she does.

Nature's Diary - Feather

Do birds loose feathers like we loose hairs? for everywhere I look, no matter what time of the year, I find these little fluffy ones caught on the hedges

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nature's Calendar

Wild Arum also called Cuckoo Pint, Lords and Ladies, and Jack-in-the-pulpit
I just love the way the inner leaf is curled.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Nature's Calendar

I was so thrilled to be able to get this photograph, this is only the second time I have seen a goldfinch along the back lane and the first time I have got a clear shot of one.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The walk to Asda

I needed to go to Asda and I needed more nature photos for my daily calendar. So hopeful for the walk to Asda and as usual God didn't let me down when I asked for something special. I saw new growth all around, I managed to photograph a cute little squirrel and best of all I got a reasonable shot of a Goldfinch. So all in all I had plenty to thank my Father God for today.
I have also completed another paper and elements layout, but I can't share that one yet as it is for my team's weekly challenge on UKScrapper, which will go live the week after Valentines day. I will give you a little sneak peak as I am really pleased with how this one has turned out.


This word of wisdom has come from Word for Today and really struck me as so right

A Sunday school class was memorising Psalm 23 and little Tommy couldn't get beyond the first verse. On the big day he stepped up to the microphone, grinned at the audience and announced, 'The Lord is my Shepherd-and that's all I know!' And it's all you need to know for now.


Today I want to Thank My Father God for His all surpassing love and how he blesses me, I asked and I received in abundance.

Nature's Calendar

There are still berries around but shrivelling up and looking a bit the worse for wear.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Quiz Answers

I posted a quiz on Sunday to find 16 books of the bible in the following passage, not sure if anyone had a go but here are the answers

I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lulu; kept people looking so hard for facts... And for others it was a revelation. Some were in a jam, especially since the names of the books were not capitalised. But the truth finally struck home to numbers of our readers. To others it was a real job. We want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you. Yes, there will be some really easy ones to spot. Others may require judges to help them. I will quickly admit it usually takes a pastor to find one of them, and there will be loud lamentations when it is found! A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better. See how well you can compete. Relax now, for there really are sixteen names of books of the Bible in this paragraph.

Nature's Calendar

Cavity wall installation of a different kind. These succulents are planted in a shoulder high double wall in a front garden (not mine I'm no gardener)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nature's Calendar

Looking very closely at plants we call a nuisance can put a whole new perspective on them. This is a clump of moss. If it was a bit bigger in reality we would use it in our borders and rock gardens.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Layouts and stories

I have two layout to share today both digital ones. This first one is for the weekly challenge on UKScrappers the criteria for which is to make the theme of your page a baby, human or animal, or something new
use the colour red or earth tones
feature a star or a planet
use the word 'who' in your title

Who When

This one is the record of Rose Walk, I wanted something printed out to go into my album. I also wanted to try a different size/shape than my usual 8x8 square.
Rose Walk

I think this little story is priceless one of my friends on UKScrapper just posted it.

a mother was doing her best to look as if she was enjoying the birthday cake her daughter had made for her. Seeing her mothers pleasure as she struggled to swallow, the daughter said "I'm so glad you like it mummy, there should have been 32 candles but they were all gone when I took it out of the oven".

Today I am thankful for a much better nights sleep
for really enjoying doing this week's challenge layout and how easily it came together.

Nature's Calendar

A lovely furry bud, which bush or tree it is from I do not know, it is a cultivated plant in someone's garden. Oh how I love these signs of spring around the corner. Such diversity

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Something Different

It's Sunday and that means a roast dinner, but today I decided to go with something a little different. I popped my pork chop in the roasting dish as usual but I didn't have any sage and onion stuffing, and no sage to be able to make my own. So instead I chopped together the crust from sliced white bread a handful of dried apricots and rosemary leaves added a pinch of salt and blended together moistening this with a drop of boiling water and spread over the chop.
No time to par boil the potato for roasting so washed and oiled it added salt and popped beside the chop. Pre set the oven to cook for an hour and be ready for when I returned from church at 1 O'clock
In from church and stir fry chopped veg (leeks, peppers, mushrooms, baby sweetcorn and peas) ready in no time at all. Garnished the baked potato with a yoghurt and chopped apricot topping. Ate and thoroughly enjoyed, will have to do this again.


Today I am grateful to Father God for prompting me to go to church when I was really too tired and down to want to. For giving me words of encouragement not just for me but for others, and for lifting my spirits so much, that although I am tired now I feel renewed.


I found this little quiz on Mel's blog the other day and want to share it here with any of you who visit my blog but not hers. Thank you Mel

In this passage there are sixteen hidden books of the bible see how many you can find.

I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lulu; kept people looking so hard for facts... And for others it was a revelation. Some were in a jam, especially since the names of the books were not capitalised. But the truth finally struck home to numbers of our readers. To others it was a real job. We want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you. Yes, there will be some really easy ones to spot. Others may require judges to help them. I will quickly admit it usually takes a pastor to find one of them, and there will be loud lamentations when it is found! A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better. See how well you can compete. Relax now, for there really are sixteen names of books of the Bible in this paragraph.

I'll reveal the answer in a day or two

Nature's Calendar

I love my rosemary bush, mainly because it grows so well and is always green, but in this photo it is white with frost.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Nature's Calendar

Just outside my back gate, along the back of the gardens are hedgerows where the sparrow congregate and nest. It is lovely to hear them twittering away, but very difficult to photograph them. Standing back and putting my camera of full zoom I have just manage to captured this one, with wings still extended, about to land.

Friday, January 21, 2011


I've made my little minibook
And chose the theme with care
the pages made from envelopes
and photos place in there

My downfall is embellishing
I just don't seem to know
exactly what to put there
to make the pages flow

So although I love the making
and the photos are no trouble
when it come to the decoration
It somehow pricks my bubble

And talking of pricked bubbles I tried to make a raindrop with glossy accents but not sure whether it has worked.

Someone said this reminded her of The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady which rather pleased me so I think I am beginning to like this little book after all

Nature's Calendar

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Nature's Calendar

A hard frost but oh so beautiful. Looks as though the leaves have been dipped in sugar

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Praise and blessings

Feeling grumpy for lack of a cuppa, walking back from the doctors after my fasting blood test. I didn't feel like praising God, all I could think of was getting my hands on a lovely warm cup of tea and sipping the amber nectar.
With tea in hand and computer on I turned to Word for today Psalm 71:14 I will praise you more and more. . This pulled me up short. David praised God in all circumstances.
I started to praise My Father God asking forgiveness for my grumpiness and, seeking his face, I looked out of my window and saw such a beautiful sun in the sky making the frosty ground look like a myriad of diamonds. So grabbing my camera I went out into the lane.
Father had blessed me in the way that He knows I will appreciate so much.

I just love the way the lone cyclist has been caught up in the suns rays

Nature's Calendar

I know I know, Holly in January, no Holly is December. But wait, holly is an evergreen, and these are new leaves fresh and bright green


I have a rather tongue in cheek layout to share today. I did it for the weekly challenge on UKScrappers.
Challenge criteria
Draw your own sketch or use a website to find one you like I drew my own
sketch 16
Find an old sheet of Patterned Paper which you're not planning on using and alter it in some way so you will use it I found two pps I would never use and cut the flowers & leaves on Robo using a templates by SylviaF W and frogzone
Use a piece of ribbon I used narrow yellow gingham bordering the title
Use at least 1 piece of chipboard title is done with chipboard letters by My Minds Eye
My journalling is the tongue in cheek bit. I do like play on words and Dandelions look like a dandy lion to me. I have since discovered that the name dandelion should really be dentdelion (lion toothed) for the shape of the petals, but I like my explanation much better.
I have now done enough waffling (Trying to rival Mel) sorry Mel lol) here is the afore described layout

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nature's Calendar

Tiny rose only and inch across, so early, so delicate

I know I have already shown this photo but it really is perfect for my calendar.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Rose Walk

Come, on this dull wet January day, take a stroll with me along Rose Walk. Picture it, the rain has stopped for a while and wet plants glisten with raindrops

I don't often go this way but today I had an appointment for a health check, and this path connects the surgery to my usual walk to Asda.

It is aptly named for rambling rose bushes skirt the allotments along the full length of the walk

If we look closely will we see new leaf buds forming?

Not just leaf buds but flower buds too

and here and there a fully opened rose head so tiny and delicate.

Certainly God is gracious to us, giving us hope of the beauty to come, the promise of abundant life.
Today I want to say  thank you to my Father God for lifting my spirits with this promise
For speaking to me through His word and for giving me hope.
I finished my food shopping in Asda and went to look at the clothes in George, surprise, surprise I bought myself something new to wear.

The top isn't pink really it is red and white stripes and the trousers fit at the waist beautifully without elastic in them. that is a wonder indeed.
but... Oh my I have put on weight, I hadn't really noticed it just looking in the mirror but the photo tells the tale.

Nature's Calendar

Wet leaves on the ground, squelching under foot, giving nutrients to the earth beneath

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Finding my creativity again.

Weather is still dull and dreary, but I feel a lot better, I have been struggling to find any energy or inspiration to do anything at all for quite some weeks, but I think I may have turned the corner. I am back reading my bible which of course is always a good thing and God does speak through His Word. Not sure yet what He is telling me but I know, that if I listen and go with it, He will reveal His purposes.

In the meantime I must try and stay positive and being creative does help me a lot. I managed to do another paper and things layout yesterday and this one I am rather pleased with. The design is more balanced and feels right. I have used photos that tell a story even though they were not excellent, changing them to black and white helped.

I find that sketches help me a lot when I need inspiration so here is my sketch for this layout. as you see you don't have to follow the sketch exactly but as a guide line.
please feel free to use it if you wish

Nature's Calendar

A bush in my neighbour's garden I believe it is a heather of some kind

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Poxon Boys layout

It was our local crop today and I wasn't sure that I wanted to go but Alli said she would pick me up as usual so decided I would. I always enjoy being out once I am but at the moment never feel like making the effort to go anywhere.
Still I wouldn't have done a paper and glue layout if I had stayed at home so pleased that I went.
The Poxon Boys

Nature's Calendar

The bark of the silver birch, wafer thin like paper.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Rain Rain and more Rain

The weather has been terrible for the last few days, and I have not been able to see any nature photo worth taking so again today's Nature's Calendar is one taken on the 7th of this month.
I do like taking photos of rain drops though

Thursday, January 13, 2011


My mojo (inspiration) has been missing for sometime I thought it was coming back but I am struggling again, saying that I did manage to do this layout using a sketch from Twisted Sketches. Not one of my best but better than not doing any
Story Time

Nature's Calendar

It always amazes me that this plant/hedge never sheds it dead leaves until the new ones push them off. I could do with finding out what it is and read up about it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just a few

I didn't do much in the way of scrapping during December apart from my JYC album. But I did do just a few and as some were of family I am putting them here so that my daughter can see them.
I've Joined the Library

How to Build a Snowman

Snow Angel

Not all of them are of family though did this one on the journey up to Edinburgh, literally, as the train was fairly empty I was able to get my computer out and use the photo I took out of the window
North to Edinburgh

I just missed the bus one day just before Christmas and so decided not to wait for the next one as I could walk home before it arrived. So glad I did, walking down this one particular street, so many of the houses had really gone to town with their outside decorations.
It must be Christmas

and so into the new year at least one of my cats had to feature on a page
In Playful Mood
A place for me to put the pictures of layouts I have done that I am pleased with, to put in the poems I write and to add snippets of things that have caught my eye